Why Give for Good?

Powered by United Way of the Alberta Capital Region,
Give for Good is a new way to give to help our neighbours in need.

Giving Made Simple

Established in 2024, Give for Good is an online platform that connects donors with those in need through transparent and efficient giving.

United Way’s Give for Good ensures donations reach the right people at the right time, whether for everyday necessities or emergency relief.

By partnering with social impact organizations, Give for Good streamlines the donation process and maximizes the impact of generosity.

Who’s It For?

Give for Good is for people who are looking to make a direct impact at no cost, while clearing out items in their home that they no longer need.

It’s a safe solution by replacing sketchy meetups with verified agency partners and volunteers collecting your donations and delivering them to a neighbour in need.

How It Works

Create a profile on the Give for Good website.

Match your donation items to people that need them.

Feel good knowing your goods are transformed into good deeds.

United Way’s Commitment to Reconciliation

We are all Treaty people. United Way acknowledges our connection to one another, here on Treaty 6 Territory and Métis Nation of Alberta Region #4. The diverse Indigenous Peoples of this land include the nêhiyawak, Blackfoot, Dene, Anishinaabe, Nakota Sioux, Inuit, and Métis. Many of our staff are settlers living and working in this Territory. We all have a responsibility to uphold the spirit and intent of the original treaties and build relationships, trust, and understanding. We are grateful for the resources, knowledge, and culture Indigenous people share with us as we walk the path towards reconciliation together. We honour and respect Indigenous contributions supporting our work to ensure no one in our community is left behind.

Transform Your Goods Into Good Deeds

Sign up for Give for Good today to ensure that no one in our community is left behind.

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